Sleep Apnea Services

We have access to the best new technology to help you get a restful and full nights sleep. With specialized care, you will be able to feel rejuvenated in no time.

Skin Cancer Treatment in Bonney Lake
Sleep Apnea Services

Sleep is healing

If you often have trouble sleeping and snore loudly, now’s the time to get screened for sleep apnea by an expert like Dr. Nancy Becker, a leading ear, nose, and throat specialist in the Puget Sound area. Sleep Apnea is caused by anything that could narrow your airway such as obesity, large tonsils, tonsillitis, or changes in your hormone levels. Call her Enumclaw or Bonney Lake, Washington, clinic or book an appointment online to see if innovative breathing devices or other treatments can help you sleep better and avoid serious complications.

Interested? Give us a call
(253) 750-5613

Becker Hearing Center
Phone: (360) 825-4027

Your immune system reacts to a variety of foreign objects it comes into contact with, and allergies are when your body encounters irritants in the air or food, whether through touch, breathing, or ingesting. Allergens are substances triggering any common symptoms:

• Itchy skin, mouth, or eyes
• Tongue, throat, or face swelling
• Coughs
• Nausea

• Sneezing
• Breakout of rashes or hives
• Scrathy Throat
• Vomiting

Thankfully, allergy exams can pinpoint allergens. The earlier your diagnosis, the better you can avoid dangerous allergic reactions. Dr. Becker recommends testing even if your symptoms are mild so you’re empowered to live the most comfortable life possible.

Allergy Treatment

If you often have trouble sleeping and snore loudly, now’s the time to get screened for sleep apnea by an expert like Dr. Nancy Becker, a leading ear, nose, and throat specialist in the Puget Sound area. Sleep Apnea is caused by anything that could narrow your airway such as obesity, large tonsils, tonsillitis, or changes in your hormone levels. Call her Enumclaw or Bonney Lake, Washington, clinic or book an appointment online to see if innovative breathing devices or other treatments can help you sleep better and avoid serious complications.

About 50 million Americans suffer from allergies, so if you think you’re one of them and live in the Puget Sound region, get tested by an ear, nose, and throat specialist like Dr. Nancy Becker. Call her Bonney Lake or Enumclaw, Washington office for a personalized allergy exam and the best available treatment options including immunotherapy.

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Hearing Aids

When hearing loss makes it difficult for you to have conversations, consider using one or two hearing aids. The Hearing Center at the Dr. Nancy Becker clinic provides the latest listening devices for women and men. Call the Enumclaw or Bonney Lake, Washington, office today for a personalized consultation about Bluetooth® hearing aids.

Why Treat Hearing?

What are the Consequences of untreated hearing loss?

Social Withdraw

Hearing loss can cause avoidance, withdraw, reduced alter ness, and cause a false sense of loneliness.

Personal Safety

Fatigue, and personal safety are affected by hearing loss as well. Being alert to your surroundings is critical.

Behavioral Change

Impaired hearing is linked to a decline in memory, along with the ability to learn new tasks. It can also cause stress, tension and depression. When you hear well, you feel included in the world around you.

Personal Health & Psychology

Hearing loss is linked to health conditions like dementia, diabetes, heart disease, depression, and fall rates in older adults. To prevent personal and psychological damage, its best to treat the condition.

Sleep Apnea


What causes sleep apnea?
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Risk factors for sleep apnea may include having one or more of the following attributes:

  • Overweight or obese
  • Age 40 year or older
  • Genetically predisposed to sleep apnea
  • Neck girth of 17+ inches (men) or 16+ inches (women)
  • Large tongue or tonsils
  • Small jaw bone
  • Deviated septum
  • Suffering from acid reflux
  • Sinus infection or other temporary airway constrictions
  • Tonsillitis
How is sleep apnea diagnosed?
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Dr. Becker orders a polysomnogram sleep apnea test, a study in which she records your brain signals and other indicators while you sleep. In addition to monitoring your brain functions (EEG), she may also test your eye movements (EOG), muscle movements (EMG), and heart rhythm and rate (ECG). Other testing may include measuring your nasal airflow with a breathing sensor and your snoring levels with a microphone.

How is sleep apnea treated?
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For severe cases, Dr. Becker occasionally recommends surgery. For mild cases, she sometimes advises changing lifestyle habits to lose weight and sleep uninterrupted. Tips include avoiding everything from alcohol and sleeping pills to smoking and sleeping on your back. However, Dr. Becker often prescribes continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines.

How do CPAP machines treat sleep apnea?
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CPAP machines are sleeping aids used at home where you wear a small mask or breathing piece with your mouth or nose. A motorized pump and tube deliver a continuous flow of air, keeping your airways open at all times and maintaining proper oxygen levels in your body. Modern CPAP machines are smaller, quieter, and more comfortable than early models.

Can tonsillitis cause sleep apnea?
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Yes, tonsillitis can potentially lead to or exacerbate sleep apnea. In some cases, swollen tonsils can obstruct the airway during sleep, leading to breathing difficulties and interrupted sleep patterns, which are characteristic of sleep apnea. It's important to address tonsillitis and its potential impact on sleep health to prevent or manage sleep apnea effectively. If you have concerns about tonsillitis and its effects on your sleep, consulting a medical professional, like Dr. Nancy Becker, can provide valuable guidance and appropriate treatment.

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